Tran' s Dental

Gum Disease

You Could Have Gum Disease!

Gum disease is the #1 cause of adult tooth loss in the US. So it’s very common and many people do not realise they have gum disease until the symptoms are severe. Diagnosing gum disease in the early stages can prevent serious outcomes of tissue and bone loss, and worse tooth loss!

There are three stages of gum disease:

  • Gingivitis; treated at this stage, may cure the disease. At this stage some people notice red, swollen gums that bleed easily. Others may have no symptoms at all. 
  • Periodontitis: People notice pain at this stage and the disease has started to break down gum tissue and affect the teeth and bones. Gums may begin to recede at this point. When treatment begins at this stage we can prevent gum disease from progressing further
  • Advanced periodontitis. At this stage of disease teeth become loose, or may shift. You are at risk of losing teeth, bone and gum tissue.

There Are Many High Risk Factors for Gum Disease Including: 

  • Not brushing your teeth twice a day
  • Irregular professional cleanings 
  • Smoking or chewing tobacco
  • Some medications
  • Defective fillings
  • Crooked teeth
  • Systemic disease
  • Hormonal imbalance 
  • Pregnancy
  • Family history of gum disease

Symptoms of Gum Disease: 

  • Bleeding gums during brushing
  • Gums that have pulled away from the teeth
  • Bad breath or bad taste
  • Adult Permanent teeth that are loose for no apparent reason
  • Changes in way teeth fit together when you bite

Dr. Quinn and his team have gentle and effective treatment protocols when gum disease is detected. Tran’s DENTAL can help you control gum disease!

When gum disease is detected, your Hygienist is prepared to treat this with deep cleaning by root planing and scaling. Followed by antibiotic irrigation to kill bacteria: or potassium nitrate, a natural solution for sensitive teeth. Further irrigation treatments will kill bacteria.

When gum disease becomes more advanced, Dr. Quinn will use Laser  light therapy to gently and effectively remove infected tissue. Often this treatment will help eliminate the need for invasive gum surgery, but if you need gum surgery, not to worry Dr. Quinn is well qualified and experienced to give your gum the gentle care they need to rid them of infection. 

Dr. Quinn may recommend follow-up appointments to ensure your gums remain disease-free and your Hygienist will provide instructions to prevent gum disease at home with recommended rinses to use. 

There’s no better time than the present to start caring for your teeth and gums. 

You can call or Book online to make an appointment. 

Your healthy, beautiful smile is within reach!

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21 Jan, 2022
Missing teeth can be replaced with bridges, dentures or dental implants. Each option has its pros and cons, depending on the health of your teeth, gums and jaw bone, and your budget. With advanced training and extensive experience in restorative and advanced dentistry, Dr. Quinn will evaluate your teeth and gums and help you to choose the best option for you. Why a Bridge? A dental bridge is used to fill the space where a tooth is missing. Gaps between teeth can cause chewing problems. If even one tooth is missing , other teeth may shift out of place. This changes the way your teeth fit together. A poor bite may make your jaw sore. Your teeth may become harder to clean which leads to tooth decay and gum disease. There are lots of good reasons to fill the cap of a missing tooth and the bridge is one way to accomplish that. A typical bridge consists of at least 3 crowns. The missing teeth are replaced with crowns (pontics). Crowns cover the adjacent teeth (abutments).
21 Jan, 2022
Do you dislike the sound of a dental drill? Laser therapy is silent! Laser dentistry is used during hard tissue (teeth) and soft tissue (gums) procedures. Common hard tissue procedures include: Cavity detection - Lasers detect cavities early by finding evidence of tooth decay. Tooth preparations and dental fillings - Drills are not required when using laser treatments. Lasers kill bacteria in a cavity, and aid in the long-term health of a tooth. Treating tooth sensitivity. Teeth that have sensitivity to hot and cold can be treated with dental lasers by sealing tubules on the tooth’s root. Common soft tissue procedures include: Treating a “gummy smile.” Lasers can reshape gum tissue that covers much of the tooth. Crown lengthening - Laser reshapes both gum tissue and bone for healthier tooth structure, helping in placement of the crown on restorations. Tongue frenulum attachment - when the fold of skin under the front part of the tongue (frenulum) that anchors to the mouth floor is thick or tight, laser therapy corrects this condition. Children with this condition may have difficulty breastfeeding or have speech impediment, and will benefit from laser therapy. Removing soft tissue folds - Lasers remove soft tissue folds from ill-fitting dentures without pain or need of sutures.
21 Jan, 2022
Reasons for Removing Teeth Despite adult teeth being considered permanent, extractions are a common procedure to make sure a patient’s oral health is optimal and that they experience no pain or discomfort while chewing, biting, swallowing or speaking. Reasons for needing a tooth extracted, include: Overcrowding Crowding, caused by teeth being too big or unevenly shaped, can cause misalignment. Extracting a tooth is sometimes necessary to make room for other teeth. Overcrowding can also prevent teeth from erupting through the gum causing severe pain for the patient. This can also be an imperative step before a patient undergoes various orthodontic work. Infection If a tooth is severely damaged with the pulp tissue (nerve endings and blood vessels) infected, an extraction may be necessary. When you have a dental infection, your dentist might first prescribe antibiotics but they are often ineffective against more severe infections. To prevent infection, an extraction is needed. Periodontal Disease Periodontal disease is when the tissues and bones that hold teeth in place become infected or inflamed.This can force tooth roots to loosen, resulting in the need for an extraction. Injury If a patient's tooth is damaged as the result of an accident, they may require a tooth extraction. If this happens, a dentist will try to preserve their patient’s teeth and alignment. If a tooth cannot be saved, then an extraction will need to take place.
21 Jan, 2022
Root Canal Treatment in Corona, CA at Tran’sDENTAL During a root canal procedure the inflamed or infected pulp (see illustration) is removed, the canal is carefully cleaned and shaped to fill and seal the space. Dr. Quinn skillfully crafts a crown to cover, protect and restore the tooth to be healthy and strong for many years to come.
21 Jan, 2022
What Is an Inlay? A dental inlay is a filling for cavities on the interior of a tooth. The procedure is relatively painless and straightforward. A local anesthetic is administered. Once the area is numb, the decay is removed. An impression of your tooth's top crevice area is made with a mold. Porcelain or composite resin material make up dental inlays. Coloring is matched to your tooth. Inlays provide almost invisible dental restoration and are usually more durable than regular fillings. It sounds like an excellent option to repair and restore a decayed or fractured tooth, Right!
21 Jan, 2022
What are dental fillings? Dental fillings are typically used to fill small holes in a tooth where decay has been removed. A filing can be made from a variety of materials. Most common has been amalgam which is a mixture of metals or a composite of glass and acrylic resin.  Traditional fillings can have a downside. As noted in a literature review published in the Journal of Dental Health, Oral Disorders & Therapy, metal fillings can weaken tooth strength by up to 50%. In comparison, inlays and onlays made of porcelain and composite materials can increase tooth strength up to 75% and last between ten and thirty years!
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